lack of imagination

美 [læk əv ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn]英 [læk ɒv ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn]
  • 缺乏想象力
lack of imaginationlack of imagination
  1. The Government approach displays a lack of imagination .


  2. Lots of critics think them lack of imagination and technology .


  3. Due to his lack of imagination , he just didn 't know what to do .


  4. One reason I love island so much is that of their nature they question such lack of imagination ;


  5. So many boring new buildings reveal a complete lack of imagination on the part of their architects .


  6. His work displays a woeful lack of imagination .


  7. By contrast , I judge them pathetic in their lack of imagination .


  8. Staying put shows an aversion to risk and either a lack of imagination or a lack of opportunity .


  9. This lack of imagination was reflected in building codes that required most new structures to be small and not look too modern .


  10. Today you might feel frustrated , by what you perceive to be a marked lack of imagination .


  11. They scream ' last-minute ' and lack of imagination .


  12. Spider-Man3 suffers from a compete lack of imagination .


  13. Twenty years ago a job was a sign of status ; now it is seen as drudgery and suggests a lack of imagination .


  14. I firmly believe that much of bad software comes from a lack of imagination over how software might be used in ways different than those we anticipate .


  15. What they call their loyalty , and their fidelity , I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination .


  16. Boy redefines lack of imagination . Ah . That 's where you 've been . Let me ask you something . What do women want ?


  17. One could attribute it to lack of imagination , setting the bar low or anchoring , the term referring to the place people start and never move far from .


  18. In contrast , blindly rushing for fiscal loosening reflects a lack of imagination of how complicated the world is and of what better solutions are hiding in plain sight .


  19. However , a spokesman for the programme denied stealing from Western shows - and instead blamed the similarities on a lack of imagination in resorting to sitcom clich é s.


  20. He said : " I was wondering if you are too rigid and make your girl obey the rules too seriously , will she be lack of imagination and creativity when she grows up ?"


  21. Admittedly laziness or lack of imagination frequently play a role , as in songs that March stolidly through verse and chorus before fading away through failure to imagine an ending .


  22. If we imagine that the supremacy of English will endure forever , says Ostler , we are guilty of both " memory failure " and a " signal lack of imagination " .


  23. But if fashion 's ubiquitous default to the 1960s over the last seven years has exposed anything , it is its own lack of imagination , not only about clothes and consumers , but about the relationship of culture and dress .


  24. Blyton , who died in 1968 , was wildly popular in Britain and throughout the Commonwealth for much of the 20th century , and despite having taken a battering in later enlightened years on charges of sexism , racism , elitism and a lack of imagination , her popularity endures .


  25. We Chinese scholars mostly lack of bold imagination and curiosity , that 's why we aren 't able to be creating and discovering .


  26. Highlighting their lack of pure imagination is the new Willy Wonka film , reports indicating Warner Bros. are discussing potential for multiple sequels .


  27. Whether out of inertia or selfishness , whether out of fear or a simple lack of moral imagination , we so often spend our lives as if in a fog , accepting injustice , rationalizing inequity , tolerating the intolerable .


  28. It 's our fears and our lack of knowledge and imagination that stands in the way of real reform .


  29. At the same time as keen to draw on the content of history , duplicate , resulted in the arts of the lack of creativity and imagination to some extent in the field of culture , so that the development of cultural vitality lost .


  30. While the vagueness stems from the lack of models in their communities , it also comes from the lack of imagination with which mentors have addressed their professed college plans .
